Submit Abstract
We offer three options for a submission to present at the conference:
Contributed talks and posters: Submission for contributed talks and posters opens on April 3rd, 2023. Each speaker/poster presenter must follow the link below to submit their abstract.
Organizing an invited session: If you would like to organize a single invited session, a suitable session title, a chairperson (different from the involved speakers if possible), and three to four talks (i.e., titles of the talks and names of the speakers) must be submitted via the email address bilevel.conference@southampton.ac.uk. Separately, each speaker of the session must submit their abstract via the link provided below.
Organizing a stream of multiple sessions: If you would like to organize a stream of multiple sessions, please provide a title to your stream, then collect the titles and speakers of all the talks. Make sure that the talks in your stream are grouped in sessions of three to four talks each, provide the name a chairperson for each session (different from the involved speakers if possible), and send all this information to the email address bilevel.conference@southampton.ac.uk. Separately, each speaker involved in the stream must submit their abstract via the link provided below.
Each abstract for a contributed/invited talk or a poster presentation should be submitted as a single PDF document and should not exceed 1500 characters while being free of references. All submissions should be done by the 11th of June 2023. In case where you want to give a talk and present a poster, talk and poster have to deal with (at least slightly) different topics.